How we differ from other companies.
A company is only as good as the promises is makes. makes the following promise.
"We will do everything possible to repair your broken glasses to save you from having to buy a brand new frame and the possible extra expense of new lenses."

We are tired of watching countless people damage their much loved glasses and be forced to spend hundreds on replacing them.
An investment such a laptop computer can always be repaired and parts can always be replaced, even years down the line.
Why should'nt eyewear be the same? We asked the leading manufactureres the same question, but they simply ignored and did not respond.
Eyewear manufacturers secretly do not share the same belief. They want you to buy and replace rather then to fix and correct.
They prove this year after year when they discontinue your style and fail to stock replacement parts.
Our goal is to fix as many glasses as possible and bring them back to life to show these manufacturers that just because a temple cracked in half, there is no reason why the frame should be deemed unwearable.
With over 5700 frames including both sunglasses and eyeglasses repaired back to their naturally beuty, we feel that we are accomplishing this mission one frame at a time.
It's always a pleasure to hear a customer give a Testimonial and say that his local optical store told him that he needed to replace his frame because it was impossible to fix.